Winter Beauty

Winter Beauty

Winter's beauty is a magical and enchanting time of the year. While it may be cold and snowy, there is a unique charm and serenity that comes with the winter season. Here are some aspects of winter's beauty to appreciate: 1. Snow-covered landscapes: There is something...

Pallet Gardening

Pallet Gardening

Pallets can be a great option for creating planters. They are versatile, affordable, and can add a unique touch to your garden or outdoor space. By repurposing pallets, you can create raised beds, vertical planters, or even hanging gardens. Just make sure to properly...

Stress Reduction Techniques

Stress Reduction Techniques

Stress Reduction Techniques Herbal teas and tinctures can be a great natural remedy for stress. Here are some options that you can consider: 1. Chamomile Tea: Chamomile is known for its calming properties and can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. 2. Lavender...

Holiday Stress

Holiday Stress

The holiday season can be a stressful time for many people. Here are some suggestions to help you deal with holiday stress: 1. Prioritize self-care: Take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly. Make time for activities that you...

Winter Prep

Winter Prep

With old man winter just around the corner it's time to start doing some prep for the coming months. Many things can be done and prepped for spring to start your garden out. You could sow cover crops, cut back your perennials, try to protect your tender annuals, mulch...

Know your soil

Know your soil

Knowing your soil is essential for successful gardening. Different plants thrive in different types of soil, so understanding the characteristics of your soil can help you choose the right plants and improve your harvest. To evaluate your soil, you can start by...



There are two main varieties of pecans that are predominantly grown in the southern states of the United States. These two varieties are known as "Desirable" and "Elliot." Elliot commonly referred to as " Native " The Desirable pecans are a popular choice among...

Cover crops

Cover crops

Cover crops are indeed important for soil health and weed suppression. Winter rye cereal and peas are a great combination for achieving both of these benefits. Winter rye is a hardy cereal grain that helps protect the soil from erosion, improves its structure, and...

Raise and lower ph

Raise and lower ph

Methods to raise or lower the pH in your soil. When it comes to raising pH, you can consider the following options: 1. Add agricultural lime: Lime, also known as calcium carbonate, can be added to soil to raise the pH. It's best to have a soil test done to determine...

General Compost

General Compost

Building your compost in different ways can indeed help enhance its nutrient value. There are several methods you can explore to maximize the nutrient content of your compost. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Balance your compost ingredients: To ensure a nutrient-rich...