Raise and lower ph
November 13, 2023

Methods to raise or lower the pH in your soil. When it comes to raising pH, you can consider the following options:
1. Add agricultural lime: Lime, also known as calcium carbonate, can be added to soil to raise the pH. It’s best to have a soil test done to determine the exact amount needed for your specific soil type.

2. Use wood ash: Wood ash from your fireplace or fire pit can also raise soil pH. However, it’s important to use it sparingly as excessive use can raise pH too much.

3. Incorporate crushed eggshells: Eggshells are rich in calcium carbonate and can gradually increase pH. Crush them into small pieces and mix them into the soil.

Now, if you need to lower the pH, you can try these methods:

1. Apply elemental sulfur: Elemental sulfur is commonly used to lower pH. It needs to be applied well in advance of planting, as it takes time to break down and have an effect. Again, a soil test can help determine the appropriate amount.

2. Use peat moss: Incorporating peat moss into your soil can help lower pH levels. It also improves soil structure and water retention.

3. Add coffee grounds: Coffee grounds are acidic and can help lower pH. They can be mixed into the soil or used as a mulch around acid-loving plants.

Remember, it’s always a good idea to test your soil’s pH before making any adjustments. This will help you understand the current pH level and guide you in choosing the right method for your specific needs.